KlassikDrain-Test - ACO SWM
United States



A side view of the ACO Drain PowerDrain — S300K 12” Internal Width. K200
8" Internal Width
4" Internal Width
2" Internal Width
12" Internal Width
Sloped (0.5%) Channel Units Wide Choice of Grates DrainLok & QuickLok® Interconnecting End Profiles A side view of the ACO Drain PowerDrain — S100K 4” Internal Width. Knock-Outs In various materials and styles (including ADA compliant) for applications from Load Class A to Load Class E. Patented, boltless locking systems provide quick fitting and removal of grates. Helps reduce installation/ maintenance time and cost. Allow easy and effective joining of channels. Appropriate sealant can be used to create a sealed joint. Included on every 5th channel to allow vertical evacuation of the system along the run. Meter long units provide 131’-3” continuous slope – equates to 1/17” fall per linear foot. Constant depth units can be used to extend run lengths. System Numbering Anti-Shunt Lugs Brickslot 100 & 200 Channel Identification Protrusions in grate fit into recesses on the edge rail to prevent longitudinal movement. Channels feature numbering on sidewalls and base of channel (to allow easy identification after concrete encasement). Each end of the channel indicates the number of the channel that will connect to it. A discreet drainage solution for use with brick or stone pavers. Available as standard, Heel Resistant and Twinslot versions. KlassikDrain Product Types:
(click for more information)
MiniKlassik K50/KS50 - 2" Width
K100/KS100 - 4" Width
K200/KS200- 8" Width
K300/KS300 - 12" Width
Additional Features
& Benefits:

Polymer Concrete
Integral Steel Rails
Profiled Side Walls
A side view of the ACO Drain PowerDrain — S300K 12” Internal Width. A side view of the ACO Drain PowerDrain — S100K 4” Internal Width. A side view of the ACO Drain PowerDrain — S200K 8” Internal Width. K300
12" Internal Width
4" Internal Width
8" Internal Width
2" Internal Width

ACO. we care for water